Episode 23: Superheroes

The HBS hosts discuss the role of superheroes in culture and popular media.

In American graphic fiction and contemporary film, the superhero stands at the center of many popular narratives. Superhero stories published by DC Comics and Marvel are a multi-million dollar per year industry and, in 2019 alone, superhero movies grossed 3.19 billion dollars in revenue. Although it may seem to the novice as if these publishing houses and film studios just recycle the same stories (and sequels) over and over, connoisseurs of the genre know that the figure of the “superhero” has changed and evolved dramatically over the last half-century. What does the figure of the superhero represent? Who does it serve? How has it adapted to reflect broader cultural, political, and social changes?

In this episode, Dr. Charles F. Peterson– a bona fide connoisseur of comics and superhero films– schools his novice co-hosts on the nuances of superheroes and their development, as well as the deep and often profound philosophical truths that they help to reveal about us ordinary (not super and not heroic) humans.

Check out the links below for references to the thinkers, ideas, films, and figures referenced in this episode:


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