The HBS hosts take turns in the “hot seat” as they fire questions at one another.
Can we be honest? Each week the HBS hosts say that one of us is in the “hot seat.” But they never get “grilled.” This last episode of Season 3, we grill one another through a series of questions. Some are rapid fire with the clock ticking down, some are “would you rather” questions. And others we take some time to talk. Maybe it is a bit self-indulgent, but it surely will provide more insight into the lives and perspectives of the hosts!
In this episode, we refer to or talk about the following works, authors, texts, sites, or memes:
- McMinn County, Tennessee banning Art Spiegleman’s Maus
- True Story on Peacock
- The Comedy Central Show, Drunk History
- The Sidecar Cocktail
- Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bills
- Gay youth suicide risk
- The Music Man
- The actor Jim Brown and the film 100 Rifles
- Rick’s book, Science, the Singular, and the Question of Theology
- Transient ishemic attack
- Immanuel Kant, Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals
- Richard Wright, The Man Who Lived Underground
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from the Underground
- Our episode on specialization
- Judith Butler, Gender Trouble
- Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality
- Audre Lorde, The Uses of the Erotic
- Our episodes on Whose History and Work
- Mark C. Jefferson, University of Virginia Law School
- Ali Velshi, MSNBC
- Our episodes on Guns, Generations, Vulgarity, Transcendence, Optimism and Pessimism, Tourism, and Social Media