The HBS hosts talk about “stuff.”
Materialism seems to be both one of the oldest and most contended philosophical positions. From Thales saying “all is from water,” to Hobbes saying “whatever is, is a body” to the New Materialism of both feminist philosophers and those influenced by cognitive science, something called “materialism” that has some kind of preference for or gives priority to matter seems to always tempt philosophers. Yet, philosophy is a way of thinking about things, and thought has demands that take us outside of matter and the material world, even if thinking is “an activity of the brain.” So, it’s time to take a look at the philosophical implications of materialism.
What is it? Are there different kinds? Is it a metaphysical position, an epistemological position, a political position? Or maybe all of these?
In this episode, we discuss the following thinkers/ideas/texts/etc.:
- The West End Mule cocktail from LFK om Portland, ME
- Stuart Hall and his book Policing the Crisis
- Karl Marx, The German Ideology and Theses on Fuerbach
- Thales of Miletus
- Aristotle’s Metaphysics
- Rick’s book, The Thought of Matter
- Louis Althusser on ideology
- Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy
- Don DeLilo, White Noise
- Albert Einstein and e=mc2
- Speculative Materialism
- Object Oriented Ontology
- New Materialism
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