A collection of our episodes featuring political topics
(Click on the episode title to listen and read the full episode notes!)
Episode 177: El roto, Lo huachafo, Lo jodido (with Carlos Amador)
Episode 176: The Establishment Clause
Episode 175: DEI Then and Now (with Paul Breines)
Episode 174: Decorum
Episode 173: Unruly Identity (with Falguni Sheth)
Episode 172: Ambiguity
Episode 171: Trust
Episode 170: Judgment
Episode 169: Responsibility
Episode 168: Authority
Episode 167: Revenge
Episode 166: Virtue
Episode 165: Kant's Categorical Imperative
Episode 164: The Significance Impulse (with Josh Glasgow)
Episode 163: Justice
Episode 162: Matter and Consciousness in Indian Philosophy (with Tuhin Bhattacharjee)
Episode 161: Ethics, Democracy, and Phronesis (with Dimitris Vardoulakis)
Episode 160: Posthumanism
Episode 159: Nature
Episode158: Does God Exist?
Episode 157: The Ethics of Refusal (with Devonya Havis)
Episode 156: Meat
Episode 155: Zionist ressentiment, the Left, and the Palestinian Question (with Zahi Zalloua)
Episode 154: Aristotle and Feminist Materialism, Troubled (with Emanuela Bianchi)
Episode 153: The Gutenberg Parenthesis (with Jeff Jarvis)
Episode 152: Evidence
Episode 151: Whose Jesus? (with John D. Caputo)
Episode 150: Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation
Episode 149: Voting
Episode 148: The Future of Journalism (with Andrea Guzman)
Episode 147: Overcoming Sexuality (with Nir Kedem)
Episode 146: Peer Review
Episode 145: Ideology and Self-Emancipation (with William Clare Roberts)
Episode 144: The Sublime

The ocean and space and “Ode to Joy” are sublime, of course… but what about an excellent lentil soup? In a confusing twist of etymology, where one would expect “sub” to mean “below,” in the word “sublime” it indicates something above or even beyond. We use it as a superlative, but a superlative of what?...
Episode 143: Off-Grid Living (with Eric Mack)

What motivates people to live off-grid in the 21st C? And how hard is it to survive out there? This week, the HBS hosts are joined by Eric Mack, journalist and co-host of Our Uncertain Future podcast, who decided in 2020 to move his family “off-grid.” Currently residing in a 100% water- and energy-independent compound in the...
Episode 142: Ideology

What, if anything, is the difference between having ideological commitments and belonging to a “cult”? This episode is a “deep dive” into the very deep waters of ideology and ideological commitments. A couple of important notes for listeners: first, this episode was recorded the day before William Clare-Roberts’ excellent essay “Ideology and Emancipation: Voluntary Servitude, False Consciousness,...
Episode 141: Generative AI

Generative Ai is a still new and emergent technology capable of producing not only text that could be mistaken as human-generated, but also images, video, music, and “voice.” For all of the amazing opportunities opened up by generative AI, however, it does not come without its own risks. Secondary and post-secondary education, for example, was...
Episode 139: Friendship

The HBS hosts discuss how friendships are forged, maintained, and sometimes broken. In The Politics of Friendship, Jacques Derrida invokes a statement originally attributed to Aristotle: “My Friends, there are no friends,” capturing something that seems to be fundamental about friendship. Friendship is essential to human thriving, but also difficult, if not impossible, to attain...
Episode 137: Originality

The HBS hosts ask: what’s so special about originality? Today, originality is being challenged in so many ways: comedians “stealing” jokes, cultural appropriation, remixes, not to mention the myriad ways that generative artificial intelligence has made plagiarism of all kinds possible. We value originality over imitation, creativity over copying, and novelty over the “same old,...
Episode 132: Whose Anthropocene?
Episode 131: Academic Freedom
Episode 130: Immediacy (with Anna Kornbluh)
Episode 128: Breaking Things At Work (with Gavin Mueller)
Episode 127: Lying
Episode 125: The Phenomenology of Black Spirit (with Biko Mandela Gray and Ryan Johnson)
Episode 124: Back to "Normal"
Episode 122: Deconstruction
Episode 119: Trust
Episode 118: Thought Leaders (with Christopher P. Long)
Episode 117: Trans Philosophy (with Talia Mae Bettcher)
Episode 115: Collegiality
Episode 114: Debt
Episode 113: Political Philosophy of Mind (with John Protevi)
Episode 109: Jordan Peele's Horror (with Johanna Isaacson)
Episode 108: The Subversive Seventies (with Michael Hardt)
Episode 107: Forgiveness
Episode 103: Tenure
Episode 97: Men and Masculinity (with Nathan Duford)
Episode 95: Punching Nazis (with Devin Shaw)
Episode 93: The University and its Discontents
Episode 92: Lazy Relativism
Episode 89: Late Capitalism
Episode 88: ChatGPT
Episode 86: Fascism (with Alberto Toscano)
Episode 85: Bullshit Jobs
Episode 84: Abolition of the Family (with Sophie Lewis)
Episode 83: Influencers
Episode 81: Hospitality (with Michael Naas)
Episode 80: Attention and Distraction
Episode 78: Revolutionary Mathematics (with Justin Joque)
Episode 76: HBS Goes to the Movies: Casablanca
Episode 73: Artificial Personhood (with Regina Rini)
Episode 72: The Rights of Nature (with Stewart Motha)
Episode 70: Democracy in Peril (with Linda Alcoff)
Episode 68: YouTube's Alt-Right Rabbit Hole (with Caleb Cain)
Episode 67: Rethinking Disability (with Joel Michael Reynolds)
Episode 66: Sex Robots (with Kate Devlin)
Episode 64: Memes (with Andrew Baron)
Episode 62: Plagiarism
Episode 61: The Public Intellectual (with Eddie Glaude, Jr.)
Episode 59: Queers (with Del McWhorter)
Episode 57: Philosophers on the Internet (with Justin Weinberg)
Episode 54: Algorithms
Episode 51: Moral Subjectivity
Episode 48: The Simulation Hypothesis
Episode 44: The Godfather Trilogy
Episode 41: Tourism
Episode 39: Work
Episode 38: Social Media

The HBS hosts talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly of social media. Social media dominate much of our current lives. Sometimes this is for the better, sometimes this is for the worse. Social media platforms allow much that is beneficial to individuals, communities, and society. Yet they also allow much that is...