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It may sound like a cheap night out with your smartest friends when you listen to HOTEL BAR SESSIONS, but there’s a LOT of work that goes on behind the scenes to make it possible for us to release new episodes every week!  Although the co-hosts work for free, the podcast comes with its own (pretty significant) expenses. You can help us defray some of those costs by signing up to be a monthly supporter on Patreon by clicking the image below:

We offer several “levels”  of sponsorship on Patreon, from as little as $8/month (at our “Shots” level) up to $50/month (at our “The Dude” level). Consistent donations through Patreon help keep our operations running and, more importantly, keep the podcast independent and ad-free!

If you’d prefer to make a one-time donation– or several one-time donations!– to our podcast, you can do so through Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal by scanning the QR codes below (or using the IDs listed):