Episode 173: Unruly Identity (with Falguni Sheth) Raising a glass to the misfits, rebels, and rule-breakers!
Episode 168: Authority Is ChatGPT usurping the authority of the "Author"? Or is it just a pretender to the throne?
Episode 162: Matter and Consciousness in Indian Philosophy (with Tuhin Bhattacharjee) What can the Indian dualist philosophy Sāṃkhya teach us about matter and consciousness?
Episode 161: Ethics, Democracy, and Phronesis (with Dimitris Vardoulakis) The HBS hosts discuss what is lost in the critique of instrumental thinking with Dimitris Vardoulakis.
Episode 157: The Ethics of Refusal (with Devonya Havis) When is it right, or even necessary, to say "no"?
Episode 155: Zionist ressentiment, the Left, and the Palestinian Question (with Zahi Zalloua) What can Fanon and Nietzsche teach us about the Israeli/Palestinian crisis?
Episode 154: Aristotle and Feminist Materialism, Troubled (with Emanuela Bianchi) Philosophy has traditionally associated the feminine with matter, implying passivity. Why? And to what ends?
Episode 153: The Gutenberg Parenthesis (with Jeff Jarvis) Are we nearing the end of the Age of "Print"? And, if so, what comes next?
Episode 117: Trans Philosophy (with Talia Mae Bettcher) The HBS co-hosts learn why it's not just about pronouns.
Episode 108: The Subversive Seventies (with Michael Hardt) The HBS hosts ask Michael Hardt why we so quickly jump from the 60's to the 80's in our political imagination?
Episode 97: Men and Masculinity (with Nathan Duford) The HBS hosts chat with Nathan Duford about what men can (and can't) want.
Episode 85: Bullshit Jobs The HBS hosts discuss the work of flunkies, goons, duct-tapers, box-tickers, and taskmasters.
Episode 84: Abolition of the Family (with Sophie Lewis) The HBS hosts ask Sophie Lewis why the "family" is a troublesome institution.
Episode 70: Democracy in Peril (with Linda Alcoff) The HBS hosts ask Dr. Linda Alcoff: just how close to the edge of the bed is the United States sleeping?
Episode 68: YouTube's Alt-Right Rabbit Hole (with Caleb Cain) The HBS hosts chat with Caleb Cain about his experience being radicalized by the Alt-Right internet.
Episode 66: Sex Robots (with Kate Devlin) The HBS hosts chat with Dr. Kate Devlin about social relationships between humans and machines.
Episode 59: Queers (with Del McWhorter) The HBS hosts chat with Dr. Ladelle McWhorter about the evolution of "queer" as an identity category and a verb.
Episode 57: Philosophers on the Internet (with Justin Weinberg) The HBS hosts sit down with Justin Weinberg of the Daily Nous to talk about philosophers on the internet.
Episode 34: Cancel Panic The HBS hosts discuss so-called "cancel culture" and the panic surrounding it.
Episode 22: White Working Class The HBS hosts take a critical look at the white working class and their grievances.