A collection of our past episodes featuring expert guests
(Click on the episode titles to listen and read the full desciption and show notes)
Episode 177: El roto, Lo huachafo, Lo jodido (with Carlos Amador)
Episode 175: DEI Then and Now (with Paul Breines)
Episode 173: Unruly Identity (with Falguni Sheth)
Episode 164: The Significance Impulse (with Josh Glasgow)
Episode 162: Matter and Consciousness in Indian Philosophy (with Tuhin Bhattacharjee)
Episode 161: Ethics, Democracy, and Phronesis (with Dimitris Vardoulakis)
Episode 157: The Ethics of Refusal (with Devonya Havis)
Episode 155: Zionist ressentiment, the Left, and the Palestinian Question (with Zahi Zalloua)
Episode 154: Aristotle and Feminist Materialism, Troubled (with Emanuela Bianchi)
Episode 153: The Gutenberg Parenthesis (with Jeff Jarvis)
Episode 151: Whose Jesus? (with John D. Caputo)
Episode 148: The Future of Journalism (with Andrea Guzman)
Episode 147: Overcoming Sexuality (with Nir Kedem)
Episode 145: Ideology and Self-Emancipation (with William Clare Roberts)
Episode 143: Off-Grid Living (with Eric Mack)

What motivates people to live off-grid in the 21st C? And how hard is it to survive out there? This week, the HBS hosts are joined by Eric Mack, journalist and co-host of Our Uncertain Future podcast, who decided in 2020 to move his family “off-grid.” Currently residing in a 100% water- and energy-independent compound in the...