Episode 13: Teaching
This week at Hotel Bar Sessions Podcast, Ammon, Leigh and Shannon take on teaching. The hosts discuss what teaching means to them, their aspirations, achievements, and failures. What is the relationship between teachers and students? Does a teacher always have to be an expert in the material they teach? What does it mean to be a university instructor at this historical moment? How has teaching changed? What forces work against pedagogical practice? How much responsibility falls on the shoulders of individual faculty members, on departments, on institutions, on society as a whole in educating post-secondary students? What is the difference between teaching undergraduates versus teaching graduate students?
Socrates genuinely, or perhaps ironically, claims that he is not a teacher in Plato’s Republic. Avi I. Minz explores this position
Plato warns in the Protagoras that students should be worried about handing their souls over to just any old teacher
bell hooks’ Teaching to Transgress speaks about the difference between “education as a practice of freedom and education that merely strives to reinforce domination”
Tamara Kneese for Slate reports on: “How a Dead Professor is Teaching a University Art History Class”
Aaron Ankiwi’s Original Twitter feed on the dead professor teaching his class
10 Predictions for Higher Education’s Future
Check out Leigh’s Technology and Human Values Project and some of the amazing work she gets from students
Ammon’s schedule of readings for ethics courses taught using The Wire and Years and Years, and a brief description of his attempt at ungrading.