The HBS hosts discuss the meaning of trust, and how it is built, broken, and restored.
Trust acts as both a glue and a sieve, holding together our personal and professional worlds while filtering and determining the depth of our relationships. It’s the invisible thread weaving through the fabric of our lives, influencing everything from the simple exchanges of daily interactions to the intricate negotiations of politics and economics. How do we establish trust? What ruptures this fragile yet resilient element? And crucially, how do we repair it once it’s been fractured?
In this episode, we discuss the following thinkers/ideas/texts/etc.:
- A taxonomy of procrastination
- J. L. Austen, How to Do Things with Words (1962)
- Martin Hägglund, This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom (2020)
- To understand our “burying the hatchet (but leaving the handle sticking out of the ground” reference, check out Episode 107: “Forgiveness”
- Immanuel Kant, On A Supposed Right to Lie from Benevolent Motives (1979)
- the “felicific calculus”
- Utilitarianism
- the “rule of law”
- the legal doctrine of stare decisis
- Amicus with Dahlia Lithwick (podcast)
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