The HBS hosts take on Late Capitalism in all its forms.
In a passage that could be considered the motto of our historical moment, Fredric Jameson writes “It seems to be easier for us today to imagine the thoroughgoing deterioration of the earth and of nature than the breakdown of late capitalism; perhaps that is due to some weakness in our imagination.” Why does capitalism seem so inescapable? Why do we see it not just as an economic system that came into existence at a particular time, and will end at some point as well, but as a reflection of some fundamental truth about the world and ourselves–what Mark Fisher calls Capitalist Realism? At the same time, given Jameson’s allusion to the weakness of our imagination, might we be missing the way that capitalism is already mutating, changing into something else, not a revolutionary transformation into communism, but into a kind of digital feudalism in which we pay rent in information to a new class of tech overlords just to survive? How can we both imagine alternatives to capitalism and recognize the transformations it is already undergoing?In other words, can we evict the capitalist that lives rent free in our head, or at the very least start charging it rent.
In this episode we discussed:
- Mark Manson’’s The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.
- The massive gathering of fin whales off of Antartica.
- The Letter written by New York Times contributors about its coverage of trans issues.
- The Onion’s “It is Journalism’s Sacred Duty to Endanger the Lives as Many Trans People as Possible.”
- Jimmy Carter
- Fredric Jameson’s remark about the end of capitalism, which for the record appears in his book The Seeds of Time, but it appears to be a citation of a remark in review of J.G. Ballard by H. Bruce Franklin.
- Mark Fisher’s concept of capitalism realism.
- Ernest Mandel’s Late Capitalism
- Søren Mau’s Mute Compulsion: A Marxist Theory of the Economic Power of Capital
- Bernie Sander’s It’s OK to be Angry about Capitalism
- Elizabeth Warren’s claim that she is a capitalist.
- Etienne Balibar’s essay Absolute Capitalism
- Michael Moore’s Roger and Me
- McKenzie Wark’s Capitalism is Dead: Is this Something Worse?
- Jodi Dean “Neofeudalism: The End of Capitalism?”
- “A third of the money raised on GoFundMe in 2017 was used for medical expenses.”
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