Episode 97: Men and Masculinity (with Nathan Duford)

The HBS hosts chat with Nathan Duford about what men can (and can’t) want.

Men, or rather masculinity, seems to be increasingly in crisis. This crisis takes many forms: incels (involuntary celibates who claim that they have been denied the sexual attention they feel that women owe them), volcels (so-called “voluntary celibates”), MGTOWs (Men Going Their Own Way, who feel that relationships with women threaten their masculinity), and  Men’s Right Activists (who believe that everything from divorce laws to #metoo have made men a persecuted group). These crises and subcultures are often tied into the alt-right world, and at times have shown up in the screeds and manifestos of mass shooters.

What is up with men? Why is this happening? Joining us to answer these questions is Nathan Duford, author of Solidarity in Conflict: A Democratic Theory (Stanford UP, 2022) and researcher of the sexual politics of the early Frankfurt School.

In this episode, we discuss the following ideas/thinkers/texts/etc.:

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