Episode 101 : Hobbies

The HBS hosts lobby for hobbies.

The concept of hobbies is perhaps anachronistic and even ambivalent. Many hobbies are shadows of more respected pursuits such as the creation of art, music, or literature, and thus tinged with the idea of failure. Their primary function seems to be to pass the time. Every hobby risks being seen as not just an idiosyncratic activity, but a kind of failure as if that time and energy was better spent on something else, something more useful or productive. Hobbies are often seen as antisocial, as something undertaken by a person who does not have friends, or family members, but at the same time they are the basis of many people’s social existence. Is there something to redeem hobbies in an age in which ceaseless productivity is the norm and standard?

In this episode, we discuss the following ideas/thinkers/texts/etc.:

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