A collection of our episodes dealing with issues related to professional Philosophy and/or Higher Education
(Click on the episode title to listen and read the full episode notes!)
Episode 164: The Significance Impulse (with Josh Glasgow)
Episode 161: Ethics, Democracy, and Phronesis (with Dimitris Vardoulakis)
Episode158: Does God Exist?
Episode 157: The Ethics of Refusal (with Devonya Havis)
Episode 153: The Gutenberg Parenthesis (with Jeff Jarvis)
Episode 152: Evidence
Episode 147: Overcoming Sexuality (with Nir Kedem)
Episode 146: Peer Review
Episode 145: Ideology and Self-Emancipation (with William Clare Roberts)
Episode 141: Generative AI
Generative Ai is a still new and emergent technology capable of producing not only text that could be mistaken as human-generated, but also images, video, music, and “voice.” For all of the amazing opportunities opened up by generative AI, however, it does not come without its own risks. Secondary and post-secondary education, for example, was...
Episode 137: Originality
The HBS hosts ask: what’s so special about originality? Today, originality is being challenged in so many ways: comedians “stealing” jokes, cultural appropriation, remixes, not to mention the myriad ways that generative artificial intelligence has made plagiarism of all kinds possible. We value originality over imitation, creativity over copying, and novelty over the “same old,...