Season 1

Season 1 Co-hosts: Ammon Allred, Leigh M. Johnson, Shannon Mussett

(Click on the episode titles below to listen and read the show notes!)

Episode 14: Shame

Episode 14 of Hotel Bar Sessions Podcast is on shame. What do we mean when we talk about shame? Is it a moral feeling? Is shame harmful or are their productive uses of it? Is shame an appropriate propaedeutic tool to educate children into being virtuous or does it only cause negative feelings of self?...

Episode 9: The Philosophical Canon

The HBS hosts take a look at the much (and rightly) maligned "Philosophical Canon." Who should stay in? Who should be cut? Is it time to get rid of the Canon altogether?

Episode 8: Apocalypses

The HBS hosts chat about our impending doom. Is the apocalypse nigh? Will it be environmental, political, technological, or biological? Can we imaging human beings existing in 50 years? 100 years? 5000 years? This week, Leigh, Ammon, and Shannon tackle the fascinating and terrifying hypotheses concerning the Apocalypse(s). Students seem to be more pessimistic about...

Episode 7: Nostalgia

The HBS hosts take a look at the political, philosophical, cultural, and personal dimensions of nostalgia. This week, Leigh, Ammon and Shannon reminisce about the good old days. What is nostalgia? Why does the pull of a past-that-never-was exert such a strong influence on the human psyche? The American political climate has been largely dominated...

Episode 6: Metrics

The HBS hosts take a look at the pros and cons of several metrics by which we are rated and ranked. We talk about grading, student evaluations, the Philosophical Gourmet Report (ranking professional Philosophy programs), social media algorithms, China’s social credit systems, and others. We also delve into some of Cathy O’Neal’s arguments in *Weapons...

Episode 5: One Year with COVID

The HBS hosts consider the last year living through the COVID-19 pandemic. What can we not believe that we did before COVID? What can’t we wait to get back to doing? What do we hope we never go back to doing? Today’s episode offers a look back on a year of the COVID 19 pandemic....

Episode 4: Origins

For Episode 4, the HBS hosts look into the stories we tell, whether or not they are true, and what happens when those stories fall apart. Specifically, they discuss the various ways that origins are grounded in myths, documents, and self-narratives. By way of access into these problems, they take on the new Netflix series, Murder...

Episode 3: Leigh M. Johnson on Technology

Leigh M. Johnson is in the hot seat to explain why philosophers should be thinking more about emergent technologies. Co-hosts Shannon and Ammon make her seat hotter with questions about what counts as “intelligence,” how close we are to the Singularity, whether robots will have feelings or should have rights, and which emergent technologies we...

Episode 2: Ammon Allred on Art

Ammon Allred is in the hot seat to explain how thinking about aesthetic experience more seriously can free us from the hold of normativity. Co-hosts Leigh and Shannon make his seat hotter by forcing him to listen and respond to an atonal polka rendition of The National Anthem and then asking questions about what counts...