Episode 157: The Ethics of Refusal (with Devonya Havis) When is it right, or even necessary, to say "no"?
Episode 155: Zionist ressentiment, the Left, and the Palestinian Question (with Zahi Zalloua) What can Fanon and Nietzsche teach us about the Israeli/Palestinian crisis?
Episode 154: Aristotle and Feminist Materialism, Troubled (with Emanuela Bianchi) Philosophy has traditionally associated the feminine with matter, implying passivity. Why? And to what ends?
Episode 153: The Gutenberg Parenthesis (with Jeff Jarvis) Are we nearing the end of the Age of "Print"? And, if so, what comes next?
Episode 151: Whose Jesus? (with John D. Caputo) When did Jesus start hating immigrants and gays, loving guns and capitalism?